Audi 3S Terminal, Noida

The Client
With an increase in sales of new Audi cars, Sterling Vehicle and General Sales Pvt Ltd announced the brown field construction of Audi Terminal Showroom in Noida to meet the increasing demand. This terminal is the largest and first of its kind in India as the name suggests ‘3S’ serving 3 areas Sales, Service and Spares.
As a Project Management Team we were tasked to provide cost management, project management and construction design management coordination services to bring the concept to life. The 70,000 SFT space split over 4 levels, which complies with Audi’s global, state-of-the-art ‘terminal’ showroom concept, will accommodate up to 23 display cars, 18 service bays and office facilities. A dedicated area for Audi exclusive customisation, a car configuration lounge, an exclusive Audi bar & café for customers and dedicated parking spaces for up to 50 vehicles will create a customer service experience worthy of the Audi brand.
Our Strategy
Our team assisted the client at the outset in carrying out a due diligence survey of the facility, review the client’s long term business plan and establish the client’s design and operational requirements.
- Systematic project management process including procurement strategy, effective contractual arrangements, tight cost control and vigilant quality monitoring were implemented.
- Creating a project execution plan for the delivery by the start of sales milestone
- Development of timeline for the procurement, design, construction and handover periods.
- Provision of cost plans at concept and detailed design stage for design development and tender evaluation purposes.
- Evaluation, revision, negotiation and approval of all local construction contracts including scope, timeline and price
- Strategic on-site monitoring to ensure brand compliance
- Provision of weekly progress reports to Audi India.
- Monitor and maintain quality in-line with client expectations.
- Value Engineering design to reduce ongoing costs
Project Results
- The Formalised risk management with a full workshop at design and construction stages. Risks are formally reviewed as part of project team meetings
- Aeon installed a quality team for technical building services at the site.
- We successfully established and achieved to bring down the average per SFT construction costs compared to the other Audi dealerships executed pan India.